Pool Services in Lancaster, NY 

Our quality pools bring comfort and joy to families across Lancaster. We can handle pool construction and renovations, pool equipment and accessories, as well as pool maintenance and more. If you are considering building a new pool for your home, contact our team at Chameleon to get started!

Why Choose Chameleon?

  • Chameleon has a lifetime guarantee on the shell of gunite pools.
  • Chameleon is a member of the Better Business Bureau.
  • Our Pentair equipment has a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty.
  • Chameleon offers in-ground gunite, vinyl, and decorative concrete construction with a wide range of in-house services.
  • Chameleon Pools provides weekly pool maintenance as well as pool openings and closings.
  • We are fully insured.
  • Financing options available.


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